Ciaran led weaning

Here is a collection of my posts about weaning Ciaran (maybe in date order depending on my Mummy brain). You are supposed to hold out til they are 6 months, but Ciaran just looked so desperate to play with the food that I decided to let him start a bit early – and what do you know – he loves it!

Carrot for Ciaran (5 1/2 months)

Lots of food and fun (5 1/2 months)

Sweet potato and sick (5 1/2 months)

Focusing on food (5 1/2 months)

Little plumbum (5 1/2 months)

There’s cake in your flab rolls (6 months)

Visiting and Volatility (6 months)

First few days in my new job (6 months)

Ciaran and Ben’s food (6 1/2 months)

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